Course Reserves
Course Reserves is offered as a service to support classroom teaching and learning at PAU.
Faculty are invited to supply personal copies and/or request library copies of materials to create a Course Reserves collection for their courses, and the PAU Library will provide their students with exclusive access to these materials for completing assigned coursework during the corresponding quarters.
To set up a Course Reserves collection, contact librarian@paloaltou.edu. Library materials will be assigned to Course Reserves on a first-come, first-served basis—subject to availability—so advance notice (at least 4-8 weeks) is highly recommended.
Students enrolled in a course with a Course Reserves collection may utilize the reserved materials according to the parameters set by the course instructor and in accordance with library policies. For more information, search for your course or instructor on the Course Reserves page in our WorldCat Discovery library catalog. For additional assistance, contact librarian@paloaltou.edu.