PAU CommuteSmart Program
PAU CommuteSmart is an incentive program where you can earn $5/day up to $100/month by carpooling or using alternative transportation from your home to campus. The program is available to current students, faculty and staff and runs September 14, 2024 through June 14, 2025. Accepted modes of transportation include walking, biking, ridesharing, or taking public transportation such as a train, light rail, or bus.
Please Note: this is a financial incentive program only; commuters are responsible to find their own commute buddies.
Here are five reasons why you should join:
- Fight carbon pollution
- Meet new friends when you rideshare or take public transportation
- Burn calories not fuel
- Save money by using less gas
- Earn rewards for taking alternative transportation - $5 per day, up to $100 per month
Here’s how it works:
- Complete an online application. The CommuteSmart administrator will send you an email to confirm your enrollment.
- Track your commute details in the monthly commute log. (Please remember to save your receipts for public transportation and rideshare)
- Submit your monthly commute log by the 2nd Friday of the following month, use this link to attach and submit your log.
- For Students: Only direct deposit payments into your bank account are allowed (no check payments). If your direct deposit bank details are not already on file with the Bursar, please fill out a Direct Deposit Form and submit it according to the instructions on the form.
For Staff & Faculty: Payments will be made through Payroll. You can expect to receive the payment in one of your paychecks. Please look at your check stub in ADP which will show it as a separate line item. - You can expect to receive the payment by the last Friday of the month.
Who is eligible?
You must be a student, staff member or faculty member of the Palo Alto University community.
Please contact the PAU CommuteSmart coordinator Jerry Torres at, 650-433-3869.