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5 Psychology Degrees, 20 In-Demand Career Fields

Plus, Careers You Might Not Have Considered!

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At Palo Alto University, we help guide you in the decision-making process to set you on the right educational path to achieve your goals. If you are not sure which degree aligns with your desired career outcomes, we have outlined the important differentiators to make your decision easier.

Build Your Future. Psychology and Counseling is a multifaceted, unique field that combines science and research to solve real-world problems, explore social issues, and alleviate human suffering. 

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5 Psychology Degrees, 20 In-Demand Career Fields Infographic from Palo Alto University

All programs focus on social justice issues, cultural humility and service to a diverse client population.

1 & 2 Undergraduate Degrees in Psychology 

Earning a Bachelor of Science is the first step to beginning your career as a psychology professional. Our career-driven programs help you make the connection between the science of psychology and the real world. Psychology is a broad field. PAU offers two psychology degrees to focus your studies:

BS in Business Psychology: This degree will prepare you for business roles that rely on heavy interpersonal interaction. The degree is also a good foundation for an MBA or a master's degree in human resources or management. Psychology Careers include: Marketing, human resources, sales, and management. Advanced education: This degree prepares you for an MBA or Master's degree in Human Resources or Management. 

BS in Psychology and Social Action: This degree focuses on community advocacy and outreach. Roles include: Nonprofit and community agency professionals, as well as therapists, researchers, academic consultants and more. Advanced education: This degree prepares you for graduate studies in psychology, such as a PsyD or PhD.  

3. Master of Science in Psychology

Psychology is a diverse field, and an MS in Psychology can prepare you for many careers that deal with human behavior.

Choose from three distinct MS tracks:

  • General Psychology: Generalist track graduates can continue on to and advance in a range of careers that involve interpersonal communication and understanding. Roles include: Marketing, HR, teaching, user experience (UX), research, medical center management.
  • Forensic Psychology: This track prepares you to apply your study of psychology to forensic settings.
  • PhD Preparation: This track prepares you to transition to a PhD in clinical psychology program through our rigorous, non-clinical coursework. Roles include: Parole officer or criminal justice professional. 

Additionally, a master’s degree qualifies you to teach at the community college level and can help advance your career as a research assistant—both popular roles among many PAU graduates.

4. PhD in Clinical Psychology

Graduates of the PhD in Clinical Psychology program at PAU are expert clinicians and researchers, prepped to take their career in the direction they choose. This program offers emphasis areas of study as you work toward your doctorate, so you can steer your research and experience toward your passions. 

Fields include: 

  • Child and Family
  • Diversity and Community Mental Health
  • Forensic Psychology
  • LGBTQ+ Psychology
  • Meditation and Psychology
  • Neuropsychology 
  • Trauma 

Roles include:

  • Professor
  • Researcher
  • Consultant
  • Clinician
  • Health system psychologist
  • Community clinic psychologist
  • Self-employed psychologist

5. PsyD in Clinical & Applied Psychology (PGSP-Stanford PsyD Consortium)

If your passion is direct client care, consider earning a PsyD in Clinical Psychology through our unique practitioner-scholar program. We partner with Stanford University School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences to provide evidence-based academic and applied experiences over this program.

Graduates from our prestigious course of study go on to pursue rewarding careers dedicated to improving the lives of others. 

Fields include: 

  • Hospital and Private Health Care
  • Community Mental Health
  • Education
  • Youth Mental Health
  • Armed Forces
  • Business
  • Justice System
  • Government

Roles include:

  • Professor
  • Researcher
  • Consultant
  • Clinician
  • Health System Psychologist
  • Juvenile Psychologist
  • Community Clinic Psychologist
  • Self-employed Psychologist

Undergraduatemasters, and PhD or PsyD degrees in psychology all lead to rewarding careers in a variety of settings, with their own set of nuanced skills and training.

At PAU, you will have the freedom to pursue the career you want in psychology. Make a difference in the lives of others. 

Start your career in psychology or counseling.