
The PAU Library databases are your gateway to academic journal articles in full-text online, covering topics in psychology, counseling, business, medicine, and education, as well as general sociological and historical subjects.
The databases also provide access to other types of electronic content including dissertations, conference papers, eBook collections, encyclopedias, Associated Press photos, book/test reviews, newspapers, and magazines, as well as professional resources in medicine, nursing, consumer health, and education. As a bonus, materials that are not available through the PAU Library may be requested directly through the databases using embedded links to our interlibrary loan (ILL) services.
Learn more about and log in to our databases, plus additional resources, below.
Find articles in Psychology, Counseling, Business, Medicine, Education, and General Sociological, and Historical Subjects using EBSCOhost platform.
Includes the databases PsycINFO and Medline (Pubmed) as well as ERIC (Education) and Business Source Complete. Includes all APA (American Psychological Association) databases and many counseling journals. Also includes ebook collections, encyclopedias, Associated Press photos, newspapers, and magazines as well as additional databases in medicine, nursing, and consumer health.
Proquest/Clarivate Databases including Proquest One Psychology videos, ebooks, and journals (Includes Alexander Street Press Counseling)
Through Proquest/Clarivate, PAU has access to videos, ebooks, and journals, including Alexander Street Press Counseling and Therapy in Video video collection.
ProQuest One Psychology is a broad, user-friendly resource designed to support the unique needs of of psychology and counseling in research, teaching, and learning. Content is organized to align with how psychology faculty and students approach common assignments, research questions, and methodologies. It includes diverse content types such as journals, therapy videos, counseling transcript, news, dissertations, and more.
Proquest Databases including Proquest One Psychology videos, ebooks, and journa…
Nexis Uni
Find articles in Law and Business using Nexis Uni.
Nexis Uni™ features more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources from LexisNexis®—including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790—with an intuitive interface that offers quick discovery across all content types, personalization features such as Alerts and saved searches and a collaborative workspace with shared folders and annotated documents.
Business Journals
Find scholarly journals and trade journals in Business, including Harvard Business Review.
For scholarly, peer-reviewed journals, as well as other trade journals and magazines, PAU provides EBSCO Business Source Complete.
To access EBSCO Business Source Complete, choose Business Searching Interface after clicking the link. Or to search for business and psychology together, go to the same place, but choose All databases and then select Psychology Databases and select Business Databases, then click the Continue button at the top or bottom of the page.
Company, Industry, and Market Information
For company reports and market analysis, as well as other statistics, PAU also provides three other resources:
EBSCO Business Source Complete (choose business searching interface after clicking this link)
Nexis Uni business and executive information as well as general and business news and legal resources
See below for a full description of the LexisNexis databases.
Business, General News, and Legal Resources
Find General and Business News and Legal Resources using Nexis Uni
Nexis Uni provides:
- News research sources—current and deep archives
- More than 3,000 newspapers from around the globe
- 2,000+ magazines, journals and newsletters, such as Newsweek®, Variety®, Library Journal® and more
- Hard-to-find broadcast transcripts from ABC News®, CBS News®, NBC® News, CNN®, Fox News®, MSNBC® and more
- Wires services updated throughout the day, including The Associated Press®, Business Wire® and PR Newswire;
- Blogs and video blogs from The New York Times®, Medline® and more
- Legal research sources—primary and secondary
- Federal court decisions, including U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Appellate Courts and U.S. District Courts from their inception plus specialty courts such as U.S. Bankruptcy and U.S. Tax Courts
- Federal laws from 1988
- Federal regulations, including Federal Register, Code of Federal Regulations, U.S. Attorneys General opinions and federal acquisition regulations and supplements
- State court decisions for all 50 states and territories
- State codes for all 50 states and territories, plus constitutions, court rules and attorneys general opinions
- Verify authority with Shepard’s® Citations Service
- Business research sources—top credible sources
- Business news sources such as Accountancy Age, Advertising Age® and more
- Financial authorities such as Standard & Poor’s® Corporate Descriptions, Hoover’s® Company Reports, plus international company and stock reports, etc.
- SEC filings, including 10-Ks, 10-Qs, 8-Ks, 20-Fs and more