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MS Diversity Scholarship

MS in Psychology Admission Requirements Learn More

All admitted MS students are automatically reviewed for a scholarship. There is no separate application. The Scholarship Committee does not review FAFSA information in making award determinations. However, students are strongly encouraged to submit their FAFSA so they may become eligible for federal loans. 

The Scholarship Committee meets after group interviews and reviews admitted applicants. Notifications of scholarship awards are made via email, generally about two weeks after admission offers are made. However, as students decline their awards, the Scholarship Committee will re-award funds and consider all admitted students. For this reason, students may not learn if they receive a scholarship until several weeks after being admitted.  


This award aims to increase the representation of individuals with traditionally underrepresented identities at PAU and in the psychology profession. Through sharing their varied cultural perspectives and experiences, these students enhance the PAU community and the mental health field. Students may be qualified for the diversity scholarship if they meet the following criteria:
  • Come from a group that has been underrepresented at PAU, such as low-income students, students with disabilities, LGBTQIA+ students, religious minorities, or first-generation college students, or
  • Would contribute to the diversity of the student body, or
  • Have had experiences with housing insecurity, homelessness, or have an economically disadvantaged background.
  • In addition to meeting the above criteria, the student must demonstrate a willingness to create positive change within the mental health field and a commitment to the principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.

Selection Process

The Scholarship Committee reviews:
  • Past academic performance
  • Community and campus involvement
  • Obstacles overcome, recognizing and honoring the intersectionality of each student
  • Potential to contribute positively to the academic and cultural life of the university
  • Clinical experience
  • Commitment to diversity and to improving the human condition
  • Motivations for graduate studies in psychology
  • Fit for PAU’s goals, mission, community, and academic programs


Amounts vary.  


To be eligible, students must be new students admitted to the MS in Psychology program for the Fall 2024 term. Students must apply no later than August 4, 2024; however, scholarships will be awarded on a rolling basis. For that reason, it is beneficial to complete your application before the deadline to ensure scholarship funds are still available.