Positive COVID-19 Case Reporting at PAU
Reporting Positive COVID-19 Test or Confirmed Exposure
Both students and employees are required to report either a positive COVID-19 test and/or an exposure to a confirmed case of COVID-19. Please report your exposure or positive test to peopleoperations@paloaltou.edu. Refer to the Santa Clara County guidelines, if you have COVID-19 symptoms, are exposed, and if you test positive.
Employee Mask Requirements if Tested Positive for COVID-19 or Confirmed Exposure to COVID-19
Individuals with COVID-19 may be infectious for around 10 days after they become sick or test positive. Isolation is recommended until they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications and their symptoms are mild and improving. Please use an N95 or KN95 mask for the full 10 days, and avoid contact with people who have an increased risk of getting severe COVID-19.
Isolation & Returning to Campus
Please refer to Santa Clara County’s Guidance on what to do if you’re sick, which includes isolation instructions and when to safely return to campus.