Directors & Supervisors
Michael Richards , PhD | Interim Director, The Gronowski Center, Interim Co-Director, Sexual and Gender Identities Clinic
Gender pronouns He/Him/His
Dr. Richards has focused his career on working with adolescents and young adults and has a background in university counseling centers including San Jose State University's and the University of California-Santa Cruz. He also specializes in work with LGBTQ+ clients and is currently the interim co-director of the Gronowski Center's Sexual and Gender Identities Clinic. After graduating from Palo Alto University in 2018 and completing his doctoral training, he has been an assistant professor at Palo Alto University and has taught classes in the undergraduate and graduate programs while supervising in the Gronowski Center's Sexual and Gender Identities Clinic. Dr. Richards currently serves as the Interim Director of the Gronowski Center, where he maintains a culture of high-quality, evidence-based supervision and training, in line with the Association of Psychology Training Clinics. Along with directing the Center, he also supervises doctoral-level students, post-doctoral fellows, and provides didactic trainings.
Satoko Kimpara | Interim Assistant Director, The Gronowski Center
Gender pronouns She/Her/Hers
Dr. Satoko Kimpara is the current Interim Assistant Director of the Gronowski Center. Dr. Kimpara is a long-time clinical supervisor in the Gronowski Center and also an alum of Palo Alto University's PhD Program. Dr. Kimpara graduated from Yokohama National University, Japan, received her master’s in counseling psychology from Oregon State University, and her master’s and doctorate in clinical psychology from PAU. She has been a researcher and clinician at several behavioral health clinics that specialize in treating minority populations in Northern California. She has worked both with the Japanese Association of Health Psychology and Division 52 (International Psychology) of American Psychological Association (APA) to develop intercultural awareness, transcultural clinical psychology training programs, and to develop international research programs that foster culture-sensitive interventions.
M. Elisabet Revilla, PhD | Clinical Supervisor and Director, La Clinica Latina
Gender pronouns She/Her/Hers
Dr. Revilla specializes in multicultural and community psychology, with an emphasis in Latino immigrants. Dr. Revilla graduated with a psychology degree in her country of origin, Argentina. She continued graduate studies and obtained a master’s degree in counseling psychology from Notre Dame the Namur University and a doctoral degree in clinical psychology from Fielding Graduate University. As the Community Health Awareness Council Director of Latino/Bilingual Services, she is in charge of creating and promoting new programs aimed to serve the Latino Spanish-speaking clientele. Dr. Revilla’s research interests and clinical expertise are on clinical supervision and training, acculturation, immigrant families, depression, anxiety, and trauma within the immigration/acculturation context. Dr. Revilla currently directs La Clinica Latina at The Gronowski Center where she supervises Spanish-speaking practicum students who provide bilingual and bicultural therapy services to the Latino community.
Yotam Heineberg, PsyD | Clinical Supervisor and Coordinator of Compassion-Focused Therapy Initiative
Gender pronouns He/Him/His
Dr. Heineberg earned his doctorate at the PGSP-Stanford consortium at Palo Alto University. His interests focused on the cycle of violence, trauma and aggression, which led him to seek out solutions to address these fundamental human problems through the vehicle of compassion. He went on to pursue post-doctoral training at Stanford's CCARE (Center for Compassion and Altruism, Research and Education). He trained in Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) with Professor Paul Gilbert, who developed the approach in the UK. At Palo Alto University's Gronowski Center, he offers supervision, clinical and didactic trainings in CFT, and compassion-focused approaches to healing. He continues to collaborate with the Compassionate Mind
Foundation, UK, and is a research fellow at Stanford with CCARE. His other professional interests entail using the internet towards compassion-focused interventions for both clinical and non-clinical populations.