Rose Wong, PhD, MPA, MSW/LCSW

Full Professor
Contact Information:
rosewong@paloaltou.eduOther Positions:
Director of Social Work
PhD (2009) University of California, Berkeley, School of Social Welfare
Specialization: Mental Health in Ethnic and Racial Minority Populations
MSW (2002) University of California, Berkeley, School of Social Welfare
Concentration: Community Mental Health
MA* (2000) University of Toulouse, France
Field: Psychology (*maîtrise degree equivalent to first year of MA)
MPA (1991) Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs
Concentration: Economics and Public Policy
International (1989) National School of Adminstration (École Nationale d’Administration), France
Diploma Field: Public Administration (equivalent to mid-career MPA)
BS (1987) University of California, Berkeley, honors
Major: Business Administration
Rose Wong, PhD, MPA, MSW/LCSW, earned her MPA at Princeton University and diplomas in public administration and psychology in France prior to completing the MSW and doctoral programs in the School of Social Welfare at UC Berkeley. She was a postdoctoral fellow in the Clinical Services Research Training Program at UCSF prior serving as a faculty member and department chair in social work at CSU East Bay. Dr. Wong was also the founding director of the MSW program in the School of Health Sciences at University of the Pacific (UOP).
Dr. Wong had worked as an international development consultant in Brazil and Portugal for seven years prior to entering the field of social work. Her clinical social work experience in the U.S. includes counseling for children and families who experienced domestic violence and assisting the implementation of integrated care programs.
In her research, Dr. Wong specializes in culturally sensitive mental health assessment and education in Asian American immigrants. She has led community-based participatory projects in which teams of health and mental health professionals develop Chinese language educational materials, including videos and brochures with symptom checklists, for training and outreach to medical professionals, patients and community members.
Dr. Wong has made important contributions to social work education. In addition to establishing the MSW program at UOP, she published an article on microaggressions occurring in the social work classroom and a textbook for clinical and research courses, Which Evidence-Based Practice Should I Use?: A Social Worker’s Handbook for Decision Making.
Areas of Interest:
Ethnic Minority Mental Health; Culturally Sensitive Mental Health Assessment; Asian Immigrants
Selected Publications:
Wong, R. (2021). Which evidence based practice do we use? Decision making for social work practitioners, Cognella Academic Publishers.
Mohr, S., Wong, R. & Keagy, C. (2019). Protective factors in Muslim women’s mental health in the San Francisco Bay Area, Journal of Muslim Mental Health, 13(2), 85-118.
Wong, R., & Jones, T. (2018). Students’ experiences of microaggressions in an urban MSW program, Journal of Social Work Education, 54(4), 679-695.
Websites and Other Relevant Links:
San Francisco Bay Area Chinese American Community Depression Education Project
Brief depression education videos for health providers and community members