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Jennifer Keller, PhD


Research Professor


Dr. Keller received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana.  She completed her internship at the VA Palo Alto Health Care System in the clinical neuropsychology track. Afterwards, she was a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University's Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.  In 2003, she began working as a Research Associate at Stanford.  As a Senior Research Scholar in the Department of Psychiatry at Stanford University, Dr. Keller conducts clinical research, and supervises and teaches graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.  Dr. Keller has also taught in the PAU Ph.D. program as well as the PAU-Stanford University Psy.D. Consortium Graduate Program.

Dr. Keller’s general interests are in Mood Disorders, Neuropsychology, and Trauma.  Her research focus has primarily been in biological and clinical aspects of major depression, including brain imaging, neuropsychology, and endocrine functioning.  Her interests also include the relationship of trauma (early-life and adult-onset) and its relationship to the biological and clinical aspects of mood disorders.  This has stemmed an interest in and research focus on the prevention of interpersonal violence in adolescent girls.  Dr. Keller also has an interested in the perception and treatment of psychiatric illness across cultures.  She is working on investigating the expression and treatment of mental health disorders Pakistan, particularly in women.   In addition, she has begun examining mental health expression and treatment in South Asian immigrants.

Areas of Interest:

Intervention to Prevent Sexual Violence towards Women; Mental health care in South Asian Immigrants