Treating Later-Life Depression: Personalized Approaches
3 Hours
$200 Registration
Dolores Gallagher-Thompson, PhD, ABPP & Ann M. Steffen, PhD, ABPP, present a live professional training program on Treating Later-Life Depression: Personalized Approaches in partnership with the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP).
One of the greatest challenges for practitioners treating later-life depression is the wide variability of life circumstances that accompany depressive symptoms for aging patients across outpatient mental health and integrated care.
This training reflects continuing international scientific and clinical advances in applying CBT with depressed middle-aged and older adults, using examples from the newly revised Treating Later-Life Depression: A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Approach from Oxford University Press.
Detailed suggestions will be provided and demonstrated for how to modify core therapy strategies with aging patients, including behavioral activation, problem-solving, emotional literacy and cognitive reappraisal. A particular focus will be on strategies for addressing common comorbid concerns such as brain health, chronic pain, sleep problems, family caregiving responsibilities, grief and relationship difficulties.