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Presentation: Repetitive Negative Thinking as a Transdiagnostic Process of Anxiety and Depression

Each month, we would like to share our students and professors’ excellent work on PAU’s mission of Improving Lives. Dr. Stacie Warren, our Assistant Professor in the Ph.D. program and her graduate students, Laura Gramling, Trisha Karsten, Soseh Sardarian, Justin Davich and Tobin Ehrlich will be sharing their work on anxiety and depression.

Presentation: “Repetitive Negative Thinking as a Transdiagnostic Process of Anxiety and Depression: Mechanisms and Implications for Intervention.”

Worry and rumination, two forms of repetitive negative thinking (RNT), predict anxiety and depression onset and symptom severity. Dr. Warren and her students will present a series of studies using different methodological approaches (e.g., neuroimaging, cognitive testing, and self- and informant-report) that examine biological and cognitive processes that contribute to, or are affected by, RNT.

Date and Time: Monday Oct 17th, noon to 12:45pm, lunch provided

Place: Wisniewski Hall, PAU Main Campus

Please join us, and you are welcome to invite friends!