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An Atlas of Emotion: Brought to you by PAU's CAFE and CTI

PAU's Child and Family Emphasis Group (CAFE) & the Compassion Training Initiative (CTI) are pleased to invite you to an upcoming FREE event with Drs. Paul and Eve Ekman 

Title: An Atlas of Emotion 

The Atlas arose as a result of the friendship between Paul Ekman and the Dalai Lama. "The Atlas of Emotions was created to help people navigate among their emotional experiences and to reduce destructive and regrettable emotional episodes," said Dr. Paul Ekman. "The Atlas will increase our understanding of the subtleties and complexities of emotional life, exposing features of our emotions that may not be apparent, giving us a deeper understanding of ourselves," said Dr. Eve Ekman. This event will also relate to the importance to emotional awareness focused cultural phenomena such as the Film "Inside out", as well as the relevance of emotional awareness to the well-being of children and adults.  See attached.

The event will be: 

Location: Mitchell Park Community Center, El Palo Alto Ballroom, 3700 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303

Date: Saturday, July 16th

Time: 11AM-1PM

Reserve tickets

Flyer for Event

If you have any questions, please reach out to