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AAFP Workshop: Not So "Uncommon" Topics in Sanity Evaluations

Presented by Terry Kukor, PhD, ABPP

Friday, April 30, 2021

9:00 am - 1:00 pm PST

This workshop considers topics that arise less commonly, but nonetheless introduce complications in the assessment of sanity.  Specific topics include: assessing religious beliefs in sanity evaluations; amnesia and insanity; sanity and seizures; sanity and sleep disorders; and managing discrepant data in sanity evaluations. Relevant case law and literature are reviewed. General and specific conceptual considerations in performing sanity evaluations that involve the topic areas are discussed.

Upon completion of this program, participants should be able to:

  • Describe strategies for assessing functional legal capacities in sanity evaluations when issues of religious beliefs, amnesia, seizures, or sleep disorders arise
  • Describe the known symptomatic phenomenology of genuine seizure disorders, amnesia, and sleep disorder as they relate to functional legal capacities in sanity evaluations
  • Describe key differences between delusions and overvalued ideas
  • Describe strategies for coping with data that are not consistent with one’s opinion in sanity evaluations