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Alumni Spotlight Michael Jacobs

MS, Class of 2019 – Biostatistician at UT Health San Antonio

After graduating from the MS program, I had three jobs. All three jobs involved skills taught at PAU.  The MS in Psychology degree prepares you to do many things beyond therapy related jobs. 

At UT Health, I use statistics to study the effect of poverty on surgical outcomes. Right now, I’m focused on return hospital visits, whether that be a quick visit to the ER, a hospital stay for observation, or a full-on readmission.  All three of these outcomes are expensive, both for a hospital and the patient.  Preventative measures save dollars and lives.

I work in a medical school surgery department with demographers, surgery residents, database experts, and a tenured vascular surgeon. Remember, you decide your specialty through hard work and study, not through the subject on your degree.